Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Toni Hoskin and family planted a memorial tree for Annabell Hoskins

I am posting this late - I just saw it online. For the sake of memory...I wrote this with the memorial tree I had planted, instead of flowers: "Aunt Annabell you are the bountiful blessing that nutured me so lovingly for so many years. My heart swells with the sound of your sweet voice, even if it's now only a dream. Our love together will nurture a new life in nature. One that will prosper and grow stronger with each year. Until it returns to us in the earth where all ends and begins anew. I love you Aunt Annabell...and I'm sorry I've misspelled your name for 50 years! :)"
Toni Hoskin and family planted a memorial tree for Annabell Hoskins
Aunt Annabell you are the bountiful blessing that nutured me so lovingly for so many years. My heart swells with the sound of your sweet voice, even if it's now only a dream. Our love together will nurture a new life in nature. One that will prosper and grow stronger with each year. Until it returns...

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