Monday, January 8, 2018

Annabell Hoskins - Sunday, January 7th, 2018

It's not my place to post this. Apologies to the family. My dear cousins. I love you guys so very much! I'm so sorry for your heavy loss, regardless of what circumstances there may have been. Be it natural, tragic, or illness, the pain doesn't lessen with any reason. This is very deep in my personal karma. And my life. My family life. My childhood. My joy. A nurturer. She was so many things. Wise, witty, and sharp. Gentle and calm, like a springtime shower. My dearest Aunt Annabell. Aunt Annabell was deeply cherished and loved by so many - but few more than me. She was a truly beautiful human being with a strong but gentle zen-like nature. From little kid on up, I had spent countless hours and days at their house with my cousin Sandy - her youngest, and we with the next oldest Brenda once we got older and fun. Aunt Annabell had the kind of sweet voice, calmness, and smile, that crushed everything bad in your world when she spoke to you. Magical! I can't believe I'll never hear it again. I'm thankful that I have. She was my dad's sister in law. To me she was a mother when I visited my father all those summers. I love her so very much despite my absence. I cherish the bountiful blessing that her life bestowed upon me and will do so forever. I did chat with her a couple of years ago by chance, Sandy wasn't home. What a delight! I never knew that she talked much. But happily we both did for quite some time that day and a visit or two later. Random memories to lighten the moment... I had never seen, heard, or eaten, sloppy joes before Aunt Annabell made them and invited me for dinner (again and again). OMG! What delish! I still chow them down. I must end this with a bit of levity. Sandy and I were home with Aunt Annabell. Someone came to the door. Very rare on a week day. Sandy and I didn't know who it was. But Aunt Annabell did and she jumped ship! She ran downstairs and out the back door. We saw her go across the back yard from the upstairs window. I imagine so that she or we didn't have to lie and say she wasn't there. I don't recall if we even answered the door. I think so. It was just a guy with a white short-sleeved dress shirt and tie. It was a Jehovah's Witness. Ha ha ha!!! I'm sure she couldn't tell them to leave her alone. And she wasn't a liar. I love that one! She was a beautiful human being. A gem in my crown of life.
Annabell Hoskins - Sunday, January 7th, 2018
Annabell Ballard Hoskins Annabell Ballard Hoskins was born August 1, 1932, in Jackson, MS., to the union of Viola, nee Singletary, Ballard and Percy Ballard Sr. Her parents preceeded her in death. After moving to St. Louis, MO., at an early age, she and her siblings were raised by her Aunt, the late...

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