Friday, November 10, 2017

Tearful meeting for pair forever linked by face transplant

Face transplant recipient meets the donor's widow. "Lilly Ross feared seeing her husband’s face on a new man would trigger painful memories of losing him to suicide. Instead, she was proud to see his face transform another life." ~article I'm not invested in most "feel good stories". I'm too distracted and dumbfounded by rampant inhumanity. We witness infinite quantities of human resources channelled into inflicting barbarous, inhumane, cruelty and suffering world wide. The investment in technology, skills, and effort is staggering. Simply Google "Yemen" and look at the page of results. Please, go ahead right now. I just did and it takes a millisecond. I'll wait, I'm quite serious! We need to see that our highly advanced culture is capable and dedicated to more. In that light this donor story transcends a 'feel good' story. Impressive all: the technology, skill, and effort combined with the compassion of a woman, a new widow, who donated the face of her high school sweetheart. They are of the highest levels humanity can offer. Profound. In our world, "the needs of the many" do not "outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." There's only a single life involved and yes it's white, male, American, but that is not the point. That's never the point. That it even could and did happen matters. (always). The scope of imagination, ingenuity, dedication, and generosity is on an immeasurable scale. A scale of opportunity and hope. This man, the recipient, had been left horribly disfigured from a botched suicide attempt and subsequent reconstructive surgeries 10 years ago. He held a shot gun under his chin but only blew his face off. He'd since been living secluded without a nose and with his mouth sewn 3/4 shut. "Live long and prosper" - I'm sure he will, it's his third chance at life. One he didn't realize was worth living.
Tearful meeting for pair forever linked by face transplant
ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) — Standing in a stately Mayo Clinic library, Lilly Ross reached out and touched the face of a stranger, prodding the rosy cheeks and eyeing the hairless gap

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