Friday, November 10, 2017

Cubs to lions: What's next for ISIL's child soldiers?

This blows my mind. This boy is 16 now and free from ISIL. But "Kasswara* joined ISIL when he was 14. "We were the 'cleaners' group. Cleaning means slitting the throats of those who belong to the other side and are hiding," the teenager from Raqqa, Syria, said. "A guy from my area was decapitated by [ISIL] because of me. People had their hands chopped off because of me." I'm back to distraction and bewilderment in the face of such unbridled inhumanity.
Cubs to lions: What's next for ISIL's child soldiers?
Professor Mia Bloom and former child soldier Ishmael Beah discuss if ISIL's 'cubs' can be saved or will remain a danger.

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