Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Bead Place — Google Local

A place with lots of fabulous yarn. This pic does it no justice. Not interested in regular acrylic yarn a la Walmart or Target. If I'm going to all the time and work to knit it better be fabulous. I'm not like mom. She can make fabulous from any yarn, super complex, in multiples, fast. Without a pattern. She could knit and drive back in the day. WTF?!?! No sir, I must to watch what I'm knitting, every single stitch until I get some serious time in. Like a year. But now I can try all sorts of things with her help. She is truly a masterful knitter. Seriously. When I was a little kid (1st or 2nd grade and up)she would let me knit the plain areas - no colors or weird stitches. She would correct any mistakes I made in a flash - dropped stitches= a hole or vertical running unravel, extra stitches= misshapen. She'd just fix it and hand it back to me. (I was ready to cry, no need!) That was her cool cardigan phase - they were like coats, warm, thick and covered the butt. Lots of sisters, lots of knitting. Later she showed me how to start and finish a piece, block it, and assemble. Some cool stitches. I never made it to colors. Not yet. (It looks like a lot of work, counting, and paying attention - none of my fortes). Think my first one will be solid colored with cool designs in it. Color seems like a buzz kill right now. Unless it's a scarf, poncho, or shawl. Straight lines/sides and just stripes I can do. Exciting all around!!
The Bead Place — Google Local

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