Saturday, March 17, 2018


Thorny question? No. Unless you're a recent immigrant or the descendent of one, likely you have little to no idea. They should do free DNA testing for us historical locals. Looking at my family tree tells me a list of names. Census should have been on this 300 years ago. I don't have any real affiliation with Africa. Wish I did. Except for my stepfather đź’•Ouedraogo Bernard đź’•who is from Burkina Faso, that is very meaningful to me. Far more than a distant unknown potential connection I decide to adopt and wrap in colourful fabrics. But that's just me. Everyone should do their own things and rock whatever they choose to identify with.
The change means many black people in the U.S. may have to take a closer look at their family trees to answer what can be a thorny question: Where are you really from?

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