Monday, January 16, 2017

Trump meets with Martin Luther King III on Monday to discuss voting rights

I hope that Trump learned a lesson when he dissrepected the distiguished and revered Congressman John Lewis this past weekend. Trump must finally watch his step. This is one way to be heard and make a difference. Engage and seek to influence power. Keep the pressure high, ideally venues for communication will open and we will be heard. Then they must be held accountable - no lip service and empty promises. Young MLK III will help to hold Trump's feet to the fire. "Speaking on NBC’s “Today Show” before the meeting, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said, “Today, President-elect Trump is going to sit down with Martin Luther King III and others in New York and have a conversation about voting, about bringing more people into the system, the legacy of Dr. King and how we can continue to pursue that under the Trump administration.”
Trump meets with Martin Luther King III on Monday to discuss voting rights
The meeting provides Trump with an opening to the African American community.

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