Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dave Madsen

My nephew is running for City Council of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. That means he's fundraising - family lets support our future! Check out David Adam Madsen's own words on his site below, whether you donate or not. His vision and priorities. You will be impressed and proud as I am. He's a worthy investment that you will see on a much bigger stage. But only with support! I'm indescribably proud! He's already dedicated his young life to public service. He's been politically active in his community and state for many years. Breaking out as a leader in his late teens. The Young Democrats... I think it was called something like that. Community projects, campaign work, and more. Highly motivated, intelligent, listens incredibly well, an independent thinker - does not blindly tow the party line. Yes, I quizzed and checked that all out with him. He's also gracious and patient.
Dave Madsen
Meet Dave Dave grew up in the area and has always wanted to serve the residents of Harrisburg; he received his BA from Mansfield University in 2009 and then went on get his Masters in European Studies from Aarhus University in Denmark in 2011. Dave has worked on a number of campaigns to elect strong...

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