Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How to #StayOutraged Without Losing Your Mind – The Coffeelicious

For the active resistors, get in for the long run..."Professional organizers and veteran activists have strategies for staying sane during a long fight. If you’re serious about sticking it out in the picket lines for the duration of the Trump presidency, you’re going to have to learn these strategies or else burn out in the first six months."
How to #StayOutraged Without Losing Your Mind – The Coffeelicious
Self-Care Lessons for the Resistance

On the Ethics of Electors – Equal Citizens

About the Electoral College and grounds for voting 'not for Trump' despite the state's vote count - both legal and ethical.Darwin Mosley you might find this interesting and informative. "There is now an historically unprecedented effort to convince electors that they have a sufficiently strong ethical reason to vote against Donald Trump. Those reasons range from the weak to the very strong."
On the Ethics of Electors – Equal Citizens
First published in The Daily Beast, 13 December 2016

Rules for a constitutional crisis

Excellent!! Well reasoned. " This President is being enabled by the most pathetic weakness of a Republic — and precisely the weakness George Washington warned against—party over country."
Rules for a constitutional crisis
I became a lawyer because of a story told to me about Watergate, by my uncle, Richard Cates. Cates was a lawyer from Madison. When the…

American Civil War: The United States Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery and submits it to the states for ratification.

The 13th Amendment. One that should never have never needed to be written as slavery should have never occured in a democracy. NEVER doubt that Abraham Lincoln worked hard to abolish slavery. It was a feat that could not otherwise be accomplished without the active, dedicated, support and influence of a president. "Slavery had been tacitly protected in the original Constitution through clauses such as the Three- Fifths Compromise, by which three-fifths of the slave population was counted for representation in the United States House of Representatives. Though many slaves had been declared free by President Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, their post-war status was uncertain. On April 8, 1864, the Senate passed an amendment to abolish slavery. After one unsuccessful vote and extensive legislative maneuvering by the Lincoln administration, the House followed suit on January 31, 1865. The measure was swiftly ratified by nearly all Northern states, along with a sufficient number of border and "reconstructed" Southern states, to cause it to be adopted before the end of the year."
American Civil War: The United States Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery and submits it to the states for ratification.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. In Congress, it was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the required number of states on De...

'Route to Tyranny': Human Rights Watch Lists Trump as a 'Threat' - I See

Posting again. From one of my blogs last week... Lisa Ferin Aaron Lisec
'Route to Tyranny': Human Rights Watch Lists Trump as a 'Threat' - I See
Totalitarianism continues to permeate my thoughts.  The spectre of fascism seems far fetched, but I each time I see historically based facets of it come to pass I wonder if this is how it begins.  Daily reminders as we approach the inauguration of president elect Donald Trump.…

Spicer: It Would Be ‘Misguided And Wrong’ To NOT Handcuff 5-Year-Old Muslim Children (VIDEO)

Facism watch. Handcuffed a 5 year old who was meeting his parents from Iran in an airport. Reflect on or look at any 5 year old and think, “To assume someone because of their age or gender, that they don’t pose a threat, would be misguided and wrong,” Spicer said during a press conference when asked about the situation."
Spicer: It Would Be ‘Misguided And Wrong’ To NOT Handcuff 5-Year-Old Muslim Children (VIDEO)
This man is pure evil.

PLANET OF THE APES (1968) - Lady Liberty Destroyed

Time of Trump. "Damn them to hell!" Cried out Chuck Heston in master thespian form, discovering that the US had destroyed itself and the world. I will take the step the previous article would not...
PLANET OF THE APES (1968) - Lady Liberty Destroyed
Astronaut George Taylor discovers that he has landed on earth in the distant future when he comes across a destroyed statue of Liberty.

Trial Balloon for a Coup?

Bookmark! Beyond the disturbing question, it is a collection of powerful information that is well-cited.
Trial Balloon for a Coup?
Analyzing the news of the past 24 hours

Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

Yep, he said it in quite stellar moronic fashion: "Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said in an interview on Saturday that President Trump had previously asked him about legally implementing a "Muslim ban." But Giuliani then disputed the notion that the president's sweeping executive order barring refugees and people from seven predominantly Muslim nations amounts to a ban on Muslims. "I’ll tell you the whole history of it: When he first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban,'" Giuliani said on Fox News. "He called me up, he said, ‘Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.’"
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said in an interview on Saturday that President Trump had previously asked him about legally implementing a "Muslim ban."

The Koch Brothers Oppose President Trump’s Immigration Ban

NEVER thought I'd appreciate anything said or done by the Koch brothers. "And the political and policy groups led by Charles and David Koch offered their first public criticism of Trump, whose candidacy the billionaire brothers found so unpalatable they sat out the 2016 election."
The Koch Brothers Oppose President Trump’s Immigration Ban
A sign that Trump faces troubles from all corners

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Aides Just Revealed The Protests Are Stopping Him From "Enjoying" His Presidency

That's the down side of being a populist.
Trump Aides Just Revealed The Protests Are Stopping Him From "Enjoying" His Presidency
Poor Trump!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

In New York's Lunar New Year parade, women are breaking barriers as lion dancers

Small changes can begin bigger things. Cool!
In New York's Lunar New Year parade, women are breaking barriers as lion dancers
On the fourth floor of a shabby walk-up fronting one of the busiest streets in New York's Chinatown, lions are dancing.Okay, it’s lion dancing.The New York Chinese Freemasons Athletic Club (more on that name in a second) hosts what’s believed to be the longest-running lion dance troupe in New York C...

The Simple Reform That Improved Black Students' Earnings

I have not read all of this yet, but I'm sharing before I forget about it. From The Atlantic The Simple Reform That Improved Black Students' Earnings
The Simple Reform That Improved Black Students' Earnings
When states began to require more math courses, black high-school graduates began to see bigger paychecks.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

White House refusal to release Trump tax returns alienates WikiLeaks

Screw WikiLeaks. They're the ones that released the e-mails that sank Hilary Clinton's last minute campaign surge.
White House refusal to release Trump tax returns alienates WikiLeaks
Adviser Kellyanne Conway: ‘He is not going to release his tax returns’WikiLeaks calls for someone to leak documents so they...

Germany warns Donald Trump's presidency 'marks end of old world order'

When the Germans warn of alarming nationalism - you need to pay attention. Feeds my fears of the fascist direction we're heading in. "Germany's Vice Chancellor accused Mr Trump over the weekend of delivering an inauguration speech with “high nationalistic tones”, adding that the businessman had been elected as a result of “bad radicalisation” in the US."
Germany warns Donald Trump's presidency 'marks end of old world order'
'Today there is a great deal at stake. By choosing Donald Trump, the old world of the 20th century is...

Monday, January 23, 2017


I'm looking into this! And Amazon.
Become a Facebook millionaire.

Progress Texas

Great post from my mother Barbara Bernard. I knew nothing about this in Austin! Rats.
Progress Texas
WOW - unbelievable aerial video from today's Women's March on Austin. (Taken from twitter from user @thisisbray)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

SCI Scandicrafts Egg Beater with Soft Grip, Stainless Steel

$60.00 WTF?! Who buys these things, the Pentagon?
SCI Scandicrafts Egg Beater with Soft Grip, Stainless Steel
Old-fashioned egg beaters have long been relied on for perfectly aerated egg whites and fluffy whipped cream. Sturdy stainless steel construction provides dependable results with innovation and ease. The turning knob and contoured handle have a soft, comfortable, non-slip grip for easy operation ...

Norpro Egg Beater Classic Hand Crank Style 18/10 Stainless Steel Mixer 12 Inches

$35 ?! What planet am I on?
Norpro Egg Beater Classic Hand Crank Style 18/10 Stainless Steel Mixer 12 Inches
Measures; 12/30.5cmBeaters Are Heavy Duty Stainless SteelHandle And Gears Are Polished AluminumHand Washing RecommendedProduct DescriptionBeating Eggs; Blending Pancake Batter; Whipping Cream Or Egg Whites This Sturdy Hand Mixer Is Just The Ticket."

Manual Rotary Egg Beater 12 inch Stainless Steel Danesco Hand Blender Mixer NEW

$44 ?! Must be a mistake now that I look at it.
Manual Rotary Egg Beater 12 inch Stainless Steel Danesco Hand Blender Mixer NEW
Manual Rotary Egg Beater 12 inch Stainless Steel Danesco Hand Blender Mixer NEW

Thursday, January 19, 2017

'Route to Tyranny': Human Rights Watch Lists Trump as a 'Threat' - I See

A short post I jotted. My fear of Trump is one of fascism. Seems ridiculous ? Please read...
'Route to Tyranny': Human Rights Watch Lists Trump as a 'Threat' - I See
Totalitarianism continues to permeate my thoughts.  The spectre of fascism seems far fetched, but I each time I see historically based facets of it come to pass I wonder if this is how it begins.  Daily reminders as we approach the inauguration of president elect Donald Trump.…

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Albert Einstein, Civil Rights activist

I have some exceptional reading. A relief from the idiotic divisive, racist, discourse of recent days. "In 1946, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist traveled to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, the alma mater of Langston Hughes and Thurgood Marshall and the first school in America to grant college degrees to blacks. At Lincoln, Einstein gave a speech in which he called racism “a disease of white people,” and added, “I do not intend to be quiet about it.” He also received an honorary degree and gave a lecture on relativity to Lincoln students."
Albert Einstein, Civil Rights activist
Einstein’s response to the racism and segregation he found in Princeton was to cultivate relationships in the town’s African-American community. Jerome and Taylor interviewed members of that community who still remember the white-haired, disheveled figure of Einstein strolling through their streets,...

Dave Madsen

My nephew is running for City Council of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. That means he's fundraising - family lets support our future! Check out David Adam Madsen's own words on his site below, whether you donate or not. His vision and priorities. You will be impressed and proud as I am. He's a worthy investment that you will see on a much bigger stage. But only with support! I'm indescribably proud! He's already dedicated his young life to public service. He's been politically active in his community and state for many years. Breaking out as a leader in his late teens. The Young Democrats... I think it was called something like that. Community projects, campaign work, and more. Highly motivated, intelligent, listens incredibly well, an independent thinker - does not blindly tow the party line. Yes, I quizzed and checked that all out with him. He's also gracious and patient.
Dave Madsen
Meet Dave Dave grew up in the area and has always wanted to serve the residents of Harrisburg; he received his BA from Mansfield University in 2009 and then went on get his Masters in European Studies from Aarhus University in Denmark in 2011. Dave has worked on a number of campaigns to elect strong...

Macintosh - Wikipedia

This was so far from my league that I never saw one in real life until many years later. 128K. Your hard drive is in G - Gigabyte. 1000 Mb - Megabytes in one Gigabyte. 1000 Kb - kilobytes in one Megabyte. We are talking very small hard drive. And it was awesome at the time. No one in my world had one. And I was in college.
Macintosh - Wikipedia
The Macintosh (/ˈmækᵻntɒʃ/ MAK-in-tosh; (branded as Mac since 1998) is a series of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. Steve Jobs introduced the original Macintosh computer on January 10, 1984. This was the company's first mass-market personal computer featuring…

Is it OK to watch porn in public? - BBC News

NEVER okay to watch porn in public. Story unread, but posted anyway.
Is it OK to watch porn in public? - BBC News
How would you feel if the person sitting next to you on the bus was watching porn - and what would you do about it?

Monday, January 16, 2017

Rep. John Lewis: Donald Trump Won’t Be A ‘Legitimate President' | NBC News

John Lewis vs Trump The essence of the greater issue is: "...the existential crisis Trump's elevation poses to our faltering democracy" quote taken from "Democratics Should follow John Lewis` lead" by Michelle Goldberg, Slate Magazine. I disagree with both men, only in part with Congressman John Lewis but vehemently with Trump. However the venerable John Lewis is not to be disrespected or disregarded. Especially by such a dishonorable creature as Donald Trump. That is a huge error on Donald Trump's part. I think he's finally about to learn a lesson. Trump again egregiously comports himself without honor, again bereft of facts**(see below). His attacks on Congressman John Lewis' governance and leadership are unsubstantiated racist generalizations. Disturbing on several levels. John Lewis is an icon, an historic figure that represents a righteous struggle, a people, and self-sacrificing conviction. I deeply regret that John Lewis has witnessed and must be exposed to a Trump presidency in his lifetime. John Lewis is not responsible for the American "inner-cities". We all are. But in Trump's world view it is so because John Lewis is a black congressman and leader. That is where I am most disturbed. If that is Trump's view then his willful disrespect takes on a much greater, broader, significance. I still cannot believe Donald Trump won the election. What was once unfathomable is now history. The Democratic Party undercut all candidates in her favor, it's documented. That Trump benefitted by the exposure of actual records by a foriegn government or any source, not fabrications, is regrettable but his win is legitimate so far. Hilliary Clinton was a morally and legally flawed candidate. Both sides of the political establishment worked hard for and against her. Trump did not collude with the Russians, he didn't have to. Hillary Clinton is a sworn and an active enemy against Vladmir Putin, I do not doubt his part in the attempts to undermind the electon through swaying public opinion. I do blame the FBI director for the critically timed, publicly premature, and ultimately false, allegations against Hillary Clinton. She had a clear surge of momentum that was decimated. So I disagree only in part with John Lewis in that as a basis to not attend the inauguration. John Lewis has unshakeable belief in the American people. He can't see that much of this country is as idiotic as Trump is, populist fodder permeates the entire political spectrum. Mass herds of cattle that stampede on cue without reasoning. From the Washington Post: "Trump tweeted that Lewis "should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results." The incoming president added: "All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!" Trump continued to jab Lewis on Saturday night, charging that the congressman "should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities of the U.S." "I can use all the help I can get!" Trump tweeted." "Trump's assertion that Lewis' district is "falling apart" and "crime infested" is hard to back up with facts. **Georgia's 5th Congressional District, which includes the Atlanta metro region, is considered one of the nation's fastest-growing areas, although its crime and poverty rates are higher than the national average. The district has an 8.2 percent unemployment rate and the median household income is about $48,000, according to the Census Bureau. The area also covers part of the upscale Atlanta neighborhood of Buckhead, along with the headquarters for Fortune 500 companies such as Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines, Emory University, Georgia Tech, several historically black colleges and universities and the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, one of the world's busiest."
Rep. John Lewis: Donald Trump Won’t Be A ‘Legitimate President' | NBC News
In an exclusive interview for “Meet the Press,” Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he believes Donald Trump’s election is illegitimate because of Russian interfere...

Trump meets with Martin Luther King III on Monday to discuss voting rights

I hope that Trump learned a lesson when he dissrepected the distiguished and revered Congressman John Lewis this past weekend. Trump must finally watch his step. This is one way to be heard and make a difference. Engage and seek to influence power. Keep the pressure high, ideally venues for communication will open and we will be heard. Then they must be held accountable - no lip service and empty promises. Young MLK III will help to hold Trump's feet to the fire. "Speaking on NBC’s “Today Show” before the meeting, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said, “Today, President-elect Trump is going to sit down with Martin Luther King III and others in New York and have a conversation about voting, about bringing more people into the system, the legacy of Dr. King and how we can continue to pursue that under the Trump administration.”
Trump meets with Martin Luther King III on Monday to discuss voting rights
The meeting provides Trump with an opening to the African American community.