Sunday, May 27, 2018

Remembering Those Memorial Day Honors

Memorial Day is not a holiday, it's deadly serious. Before you head out tomorrow... Let's remember our nation's military fallen with the gravity and honor earned by each one. Those who offered their own lives as guardians of our nation to serve something far greater than themselves but will never share the embrace of a loved one ever again. And say a prayer, or whatever you do, for their surviving comrades and loved ones. Please take a moment to check this short article to learn about this most sacred day and of 5 Medal of Honor recipients...there are links too... "The United States has fought twelve major wars and a countless number of smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, airwomen, and marines who did not return home. The holiday dates back..."
Remembering Those Memorial Day Honors
The United States has fought twelve major wars and a countless number of smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers…

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