Thursday, August 10, 2017

U.S. Army To Return Remains of Native American Boys Killed In Reform School In The 1880's

It's old, but little known, the so-called reform schools that Native children were forced into in order to civilize them - designed in fact to eliminate the culture. The last of the schools closed fairly recently. Renee and I spoke of this many times. "All the Indian there is in the race should be dead," the reform school's founder said. "Kill the Indian in him, and save the man." From 1879 until 1918, more than 10,000 Native American children from 140 tribes were sent to Carlisle. Only 158 graduated.
U.S. Army To Return Remains of Native American Boys Killed In Reform School In The 1880's
U.S. Army To Return Remains of Native American Boys Killed In Reform School In The 1880's 'All the Indian there is in the race should be dead,' the reform school's founder said. 'Kill the Indian...

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