Friday, August 17, 2018

Aretha Franklin’s Revolution

Go in Peace regal soul sister. She was so much more than her 4 octive range voice. I wish there were more references to the woman she was, what she represented and fought for. "Both the civil-rights movement and soul have often been critically misunderstood. The contributions of women—in particular the vibrant organizing for sexual autonomy and freedom from gender violence that built the organizing arms of the black freedom movement—are often elided in civil-rights histories centered on a handful of great men. And historians of soul often focus heavily on the difficult and prominent men at its forefront, on the (perceived) electric masculine energies of Delta guitars and rock covers. But Aretha stood as a corrective to both, and tied them together. Her activist drive proved effective when the money ran dry. Her canon of anthems encompassed racial, gender, and sexual freedom, and properly located the hard knot of women at the center of the movement. Her complete mastery of gospel located one of the taproots of soul in the choirs, and with the hundreds of women powerhouses in their ranks who—unlike her—had never been allowed to pursue careers in the secular world."
Aretha Franklin’s Revolution
The soul singer was an architect of the civil-rights movement as much as a witness to it.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Report: Russian mob money helped build Trump business empire

Called this one!
Report: Russian mob money helped build Trump business empire
A stunning report in The New Republic alleges that, whether Donald Trump knew it or not, for decades he made a large portion of his personal fortune from Russian mobsters & oligarchs.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A Working Education

A Working Education
How students are learning the skills they’ll need to fill the biggest hole in the American job market.