Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked

A meticulous documentary film, a point by point repudiation of the Ancient Aliens series.  Well done, very compelling, and entertaining.  You will learn quite a bit about ancient cultures and dignify their achievements with the veneration that they justly merit.  We viewed it in sections, not the entire 3-hour documentary in one sitting. If you have

The post Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked appeared first on Random Spritz.

Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked

A meticulous documentary film, a point by point repudiation of the Ancient Aliens series.  Well done, very compelling, and entertaining.  You will learn quite a bit about ancient cultures and dignify their achievements with the veneration that they justly merit.  We viewed it in sections, not the entire 3-hour documentary in one sitting. If you have

The post Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked appeared first on Random Spritz.