Monday, August 19, 2013

My other blog.

I have a blog with Word Press:

I was republishing my posts here. That may confuse people and it is too much work. 

So what shall I use this space for?  Ideally something far better than this post. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Dream

This photo was taken by an Iraqi artist at an orphanage.  This little girl has never met her mother, so she created a drawing, carefully removed her shoes and went to sleep in her mother’s embrace.  It hurts my heart.

The American Civil War: May 22, 1863: General Orders No. 143 creates the U.S. Colored Troops (“USCT”)

Unknown Title

your plight
in waking
is to choose from the words that even now sleep on your tongue
and to know that
tangled among them
and terribly new
is the sentence that could
change your life."

~Marie Howe